mining icon





Step 1:

Download the Windows client from the Home page and extract the "Lycancoin" folder and it's contents to your hard drive. It really doesn't matter where you extract the file to but just remember where you did.


Step 2:

Double-click on the "zombiecoin-qt.exe" application to start the client - you're all done. It's recommended that you set a username and password in your Zombiecoin configuration file by following the instructions below. It's not mandatory but increases the security of your wallet.




Step 1:

Download the Windows client from the Home page and extract the "Zombiecoin" folder and it's contents to your hard drive. It really doesn't matter where you extract the file to but just remember where you did.


Step 2:

Double-click on the "zombiecoin-qt.exe" application to start the client. The first time the client starts up, it creates a folder named "zombiecoin" and places some files in there which includes your wallet named "wallet.dat". Go ahead and close the client now.


Step 3:

Go to your start menu and type "%appdata%" (no quotes) in the command prompt. This will open up your "/AppData/Roaming/" folder where the "zombiecoin" folder is stored. Scroll down to your "zombiecoin" folder and open it up.


This is the part where you need to remember where you extracted your client. Open up the "zombiecoin" folder and find a file named "zombiecoin.conf". Copy this file to your "zombiecoin" folders in the "/AppData/Roaming/" path.



Step 4:

Now you need to edit the file with some of your specific information. Right mouse-click on the "zombiecoin.conf" file and choose edit. You'll see the following information:







Step 5:

You need to replace the rpcuser and rpcpassword with your own information. Delete "zombiecoinuser" and replace it with a username of your choice. Delete "1234" and replace it with a password of your choice. Be very careful and choose a STRONG password or else someone may steal your wallet. If you leave it as "1234" then someone WILL steal your wallet. When you're done, save and close the file.


Step 6:

Congratulations! Go ahead and restart your client. At this point you're done and your client is ready to go.





There are two ways to solo mine.


The first is to start mining using the client which is not the best method because it only runs your processor which is terribly ineffective once the difficulty rate starts climbing. The second is to mine using your graphics card and a third party software such as CGMiner, GUIMiner or BFGMiner which is more efficient but a bit more tricky to start.




Start your Zombiecoin client and click on "Mining" from the top menu bar. Click the "Start Mining" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. That's it, you're client should start mining. To check the hash rate, hover your mouse over the Zombiecoin logo in the lower right hand corner of the screen. If you see a message saying "Not mining Zombiecoin" then toggle the "Start Mining" button off and on one more time. It should start on the second try.




This part is tricky because you need to setup your client as a server through which the mining software will connect. Then you need to edit your mining software to work with the client.


Step 1:

Go to the start menu and type "appdata" into the command prompt. Scroll down until you find the "zombiecoin" folder. Go into the folder, find the "zombiecoin.conf" file, right click on it and select edit. Now we're going to add some additional command lines so your client will run properly.


Step 2:

Beneath the rpcpassword line, add the following lines of code listed in blue. DO NOT change your user name and password to "yourusername" and "yourpassword" or someone WILL steal your wallet.










Step 3:

When you've finished, save and close the file. Now comes the tricky part; starting the client as a server.


Step 4:

There's more than one way to get the client to start as a server but I'll show you the easiest way. Navigate back to you zombiecoin client folder and locate your "zombiecoin-qt.exe" file. Go to the start menu and in the command prompt type "cmd". A DOS looking command window will start. Now, click and drag your "zombiecoin-qt.exe" file from it's folder to the command window and drop it in. You'll see the following the screen update to "\zombiecoin\zombiecoin-qt.exe". Click on the window and type -server after zombiecoin-qt.exe so it looks like "\zombiecoin\zombiecoin-qt.exe -server". Hit enter and the client will start up in server mode; there's nothing to indicate it is running so don't worry about it - know that it is.


Step 5:

I'm not going to walk you through setting up which ever third party mining you chose but I'll show you what my BFGminer config file looks like. The instructions for installing and preparing your miner should be available where you downloaded the file. The key is to remember you must use the information you entered above in the "zombiecoin.conf" file.


Here's an example of what my CGMiner 3.2.1 config batch file looks like:


cgminer --scrypt -o -u yourusername -p yourpassword -I 13


Step 6:

You're all done! Congratulations and happy mining.